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Floody Crack Product Key Download


Floody Crack Latest Very basic TCP/IP packet flooder. Allows you to send data to a host, with different data sizes, at a specified interval. It can work with one or more hosts at the same time. Works with Windows, Linux and OSX. This program has no graphical user interface. Send data to host: Send "Send" to this host to start sending packets. When you send packets, you have to specify the source port, the destination port and the data size of each packet. You can send an unlimited amount of data to the host. Keep sending data as long as the application is not closed. When you press "End", the program will stop sending data. You can start sending data on the host, after stopping the last sending. Sending data to multiple hosts: Send "Send" to a host, to start sending packets. Then send "Send" to another host, and so on. The program will not stop sending data as long as it has connections. The more hosts you send data to, the more data is sent to the hosts. This application does not use any CPU cycles, so it will not slow down your computer. Hosts used for testing: Here you can choose to use a host that can be found in your computer, or to use some available hosts that you can find on the web. If you want to use a host that can be found in your computer, Floody Crack Keygen Full Version Free I send large amounts of data to a user-defined host via TCP. The data is sent in a time interval you specify, from which it is expected to take some time to respond (if there is a real host there, of course). If the host responds in a short time, you can be sure that your site is vulnerable to flooding attacks. 94e9d1d2d9 Floody Crack + Serial Number Full Torrent X64 Floody is an anti-spam-code that sends a specified amount of data in a time interval. Floody's TestVars: $host = The host for which the flood is performed. $target_host = The host you want to flood. $source_port = The source port to be used in the flood. You can use an arbitrary port between 1024 - 65535. $target_port = The target port for which the flood will be performed. You can use an arbitrary port between 1024 - 65535. $data_size = The amount of data to send in a time interval. $data_size_human_readable = The amount of data to send in a time interval, readable to the human. $data_interval = How often the data is sent. The values from 0 - 100 represent seconds. $data_interval_human_readable = The amount of data to send in a time interval, readable to the human. $target_dont_flood_ip = IP which is not to be flooded, this helps to protect users who use the same computer for work and leisure. This is for example the IP of a private server in your office, but you can use any IP. $exclude_ips = IP addresses which should not be affected by flood. This is also for the users which have the same IP for both work and leisure. $exclude_numbers = Useragent identifiers which should not be affected by flood. $exclude_numbers_human_readable = Useragent identifiers which should not be affected by flood. $exclude_pages = Page that should not be affected by flood. $exclude_pages_human_readable = Page that should not be affected by flood. $subset = Generates a random subset of the other users. The subset size you can specify. $subset_human_readable = Generates a random subset of the other users, readable to the human. $count = Generates a random subset of the other users. $count_human_readable = Generates a random subset of the other users, readable to the human. $start_count = Count where the flood begins. $start_count_human_readable = Count where the flood begins, readable to the human. $max_count = The maximum amount of data the flood can send. $max_ What's New in the? - better html integration - Select your destination host or port with - Select your data amount with - Select your data interval with - drag and drop the buttons with the mouse - drag and drop the tool bar with the mouse - resizable status bar - better support for android - other minor fixes and usability enhancements Features: - Supports FTP - Supports both binary and text data transfer - Supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols - Data transfer can be paused/resumed - Host can be selected by - Data amount can be selected by - Data interval can be selected by - Data interval can be selected with the slider - Data interval can be set in milliseconds with - Drag and drop the buttons with the mouse - Drag and drop the tool bar with the mouse - Resizable status bar - log window will be opened when data is being sent to the host - log window will be opened when data is being downloaded from the host - log window will be opened when data is being sent to the host - log window will be opened when data is being downloaded from the host - You can specify the host and data amount with the text fields - Data amount and data interval can be selected with the slider - Status bar will be updated with real-time data - Status bar will be updated with the total transferred data Requirements: - Python 2.7 - PyQT4 - PyGTK - PIL (Pillow) - wxPython - numpy - matplotlib - Scapy - MySql - Raw python serialization License: Copyright 2012-2015 Jonathan Dragan Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS System Requirements For Floody: Maximum RAM: 32 GB of RAM Minimum RAM: 6 GB of RAM Minimum GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 950 series (preferred), or AMD Radeon R9 290 series (preferred) Recommended GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 1060 series (preferred), or AMD Radeon RX 480 series Minimum Resolution: 1024x768 Recommended Resolution: 1920x1080 Recommended Free Space: 100 GB Minimum Free Space: 10 GB Minimum Core I5: Intel Core i5-3570T Recommended Core I5:

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