Category:1994 video games
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Category:Adventure gamesThe Lehigh Valley Health Network invites potential participants who qualify for T32 immunology training, and need to give a preliminary blood sample, to present at the study's 6th annual biomarker symposium at the Lehigh Valley Hospital on November 13, 2013.
A blood sample is essential for this study. All individuals who would like to participate in the study must be willing to provide a blood sample.
In an effort to better understand immunologic mechanisms in the development and progression of multiple myeloma, researchers at Lehigh Valley Health Network and the Kimmel Cancer Center, in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will collect blood samples from a group of participants with multiple myeloma. This is an exploratory study that will analyze the blood to assess the development of immunity and the contribution of tumor-specific antibodies to the progression of disease.
All participants will undergo extensive interviews to assess immunologic parameters that may be related to the disease. Each participant will undergo a 4-hour medical history, physical exam and blood draw.
The symposium is designed to highlight the advancements in immunotherapy research and identify biomarkers that may be used to evaluate the immunologic response to therapy and to improve management of patients with myeloma.
The symposium will include:
- An introduction to immunology research in multiple myeloma.- An update on the advances in immunotherapy research and how they may impact patients with myeloma.- A panel discussion with current research in multiple myeloma.- Information about the study and a blood drawQ:
How do I access a non-public member of a shared object?
I'm trying to access a C# object contained within a DLL via a C++ program. The object is declared as a public member of a class in a C# DLL.
However, I am not able to access this member of the class within my C++ code. How should I approach this issue?
Assuming that the c++ compiler is not supposed to do its own name resolution, you need to add /clr to your c++ compiler flags in order to load the C# assembly as a managed assembly.
Note that the C# compiler can be configured to allow this via the /clr switch, but it is ac619d1d87
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